Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The first day in a Wannabe world

So this is a new beginning for me!  A new day which is going to bring new things.  I want to introduce myself.  My name is Melissa and my life has always been me starting things and never finishing them or me starting this or that and and never maintaining.  I have always been a yo-yo dieter.  I have been up and down the scale for many many years.  Mostly over the 250 mark for the past 7 years.

 I have to say that I am a wannabe because that is what I am at this point.  I am a wannabe great mom, but I cant be because I am too FAT to run around with my kids and play sports and not get tired or out f breath.  I love to do crafts so I am a wannabe crafter but I am not because I never finish a project.  I am a wife but I am a wannabe great wife.  I am not a great wife because I don't have the energy that my husband does. I don't have the self esteem to be a confident wife.

So starting today my life is going to change.  I am not going to lie, this will be hard every minute of everyday.  Hopefully I will get a small following that will help me stay positive while on this journey of self discovery, self awareness, self discipline and self reliance.

Thanks to all that will read!



Susan said...

Melissa, thanks for stopping by my little blog. I can so relate to your post here, except instead of being a wannabe, I was a "do it till it gets hard and then quit". Discipline is the key. Doing it when you don't want to. Doing more than you knew you could. Guess what, pushing yourself doesn't really hurt as much as I thought it would. Hang in there and keep us posted!

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